Thursday, May 7, 2015

Romeo and Juliet DEBATE
Ayman Jabr

Does Romeo truly love Juliet, or is he acting out of youthful rashness?

I feel Romeo truly loves Juliet. For one, why would he kill himself if he didn't love her. That shows that he'd rather die than live without her. Why would he sacrifice his life for someone he didn't love? Romeo, after being banished from Verona, struck mayhem just so that he can see his Juliet. He almost got himself killed trying to see his love. Also, throughout the story, Romeo is really very positive with the other characters, but when he is with Juliet, he is as happy as can be. If he had been acting of youthful rashness he would commit to spend eternity with someone he had not loved by marrying her. Romeo had experienced youthful rashness before with Rosaline and he knows the difference between that and true love. This is how I feel about Romeos feelings for Juliet.

Next, when Juliets mother had suggested Juliet to meet Paris to see if she was interested in him, she wasnt very interested to even consider loving him and she knew him. The moment she met eyes with Romeo. she knew he was right for her and she had feelings for him the second they saw eachother. It is like love at first sight and destiny. Romeo and Juliet were meant for eachother, it was just fate. They were destined to love eachother and they were destined to die for eachother.

Finally, in Act 2.3 Lines 62-63, Romeo says " Plainly know my hearts dear love is set on the daughter of Rich Capulet". He basically wants to state that he loves Juliet for who she is even if she is supposed to be his enemy. Nothing can stop him from loving her.

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