Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Minimum Age and Minimum Wage

Blog Post, October 16th 2013
Ayman Jabr Class 707

up-FRONT Magazine: Minimum Age and Minimum Wage
                               by:JOSEPH BERGER

    In this article "
Minimum Age and Minimum Wage" by:Joseph Berger, talks about how child labor has changed from the 20th century. It tells how children used to work in coal mines and sweatshops for long hours and barely any pay. It shows how minimum wage has grown from 25 cents in 1938 to $7.25 nowadays.

   In this article "Minimum Age and Minimum Wage" by it talks about how child labor has changed from the 20th century. Sally Greenburg of the National Consumer League notes that child labor "perpetuated a cycle of poverty". She means that child labor continued the cycle of poverty. This cycle is effected today in places like China, India, and Bangladesh. In these countries children are still put to work in coal mines. 17 percent of the children in Bangladesh aged 5 to 14 are work for part of the for only 37 dollars a month. Working Conditions in that country are so unsafe that more than 1,100 people were killed this year in the collapse of an eight-story industrial buliding. Now taht there is no terrible working conditions for children they have a higher minimum wage which is $7.25 nowadays. People are still complaining for a higher minimum wage but if they do that wouldn't be accepting many people to hire. This would make it harder for teens and others that want to start working.

   This article made me think deeper about humanity because it showed how kids were a hundred years ago and how they were put to work in coal mines and sweatshops under terrible conditions and serious health risks.  I am thankful that the FLSA had came through since child labor is extremely bad in my opinion. This article also made me think about how it is for kids in other countries such as  Bangladesh, China ,and India and how they still work in coal mines in terrible conditions with serious health risks.  


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