Friday, February 13, 2015

Playground by: 50 Cent

        In the memoir, Playground by 50 Cent it tells a story of a big bully named Butterball who is in Junior High School who is really aggressive and is suffering with a lot of problems in him life. The secondary characters in the story affect the way Butterball is a lot, and I'll show you how.
         Butterball is very aggressive and after attacking a former friend named Maurice with a sock full of D batteries, Butterball begins seeing a therapist named Lizzie who he hates going to talk through his anger issues. Overweight and an outcast at his junior high school school, Butterball finds that his violence and him being a bully earns new respect with the cool kids also known as Andre and his posse of friends. Butterball's relationship with his parents are very different. His parents are divorced and it's because of his mom being a lesbian. Butterball hates being with his mom because they share no similarities at all and ahe doesn't let him do what he wants. On the other hand, Butterballs relationship with his dad is great, they go to the movies all the time, he can watch tv (which he can't do with his mom because she thinks it's a waste of time and money) and he can do whatever he wants. One time he and his dad go to a shoe store who that Butterball can buy a new pair of sneakers. Butterball and his dad end up stealing a limited edition pair of sneakers and everyone at school just keeps looking at Butterballs sneakers and how cool he is. Butterball starts feeling so good and the cool kids, all of a sudden, start to let him hang out with them. Butterball isn't realizing that it's the bad things that he does (violence and theft) that makes him feel good and be "cool".
         In conclusion, this book relates to the world because it shows the struggles of a teenage boy and how he deals with them. This book is directed to teenagers or really anyone with struggles because it show how your struggles can really affect yourself as a person.