Ayman Jabr 707
up-Front Magazine: Issue 10/7/13
article “The End of America's Car Culture?” by Alessandra Potenza talks about
how teenagers are getting out of the habit of cars. It also talks about how
teenagers rather prefer there mobile phones and bikes than cars.
Potenza talks about how teenagers are getting out of the habit of cars. It also
talks about how teenagers rather prefer there mobile phones and bikes than cars.
For example, it shows that since 1983 the percentage of teenagers getting
drivers licenses went down 20 percent. Also it included that almost half (46%)
of teenagers would choose Internet access over owning a car. It also includes
that car companies such as Ford, Chevrolet and Mercedes-Benz have all started
to produce cars that are basically like moving smartphones. Car brands are
trying to make teenagers buy their cars by making them like the things teenagers
like. These teenagers parents and grandparents were obsessed withs cars and
getting a drivers liscence as their 16th birthday present. Back
then, ALL teenagers wanted cars just as teenagers today ALL want smartphones. In
this article “The End of America's Car Culture?” Thilo Koslowski states that
the iPhone is the Ford Mustang of today. This shows how back then everyone
wanted ford mustangs just as how everyone wants an iPhone today.
article “The End of America's Car Culture?” by Alessandra Potenza connects to
teenages because it shows how teenagers want different things every generation.
Just how back then teenagers used to want cars and how everything now is about
smartphones and internet access.