Ayman Jabr 707
In the book "The Walking Dead" by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore it talks about a zombie apoclypse the ruined the lives of many.A group of people are trying to survive from it. The authors reveal MANY characters changing.In this essay I will be talking about why the author shows the character changing.
The author reveals the character is changing in ways like showing the way the act to people differently.For example, in "The Walking Dead" by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore shows the character Shane changes alot from the beginning of he book. Shane used to be best friends with Rick but when Shane realized Rick wasn't in the hospital he started to go crazy since he was falling in love with Ricks wife and he starting to go crazy saying that no one helps him through this tragedies and started to change on how he was before the zombies attacked.
In conclusion,the author reveals the character is changing in ways like showing the way the act to people differently.